Friday, January 14, 2011

Audio Production Tip

I was watching a local tv commercial the other night featuring two on-camera talent selling cars with a stop watch sound effect ticking away in the background.  It's the commercial equivalent of the vuvuzela. As we all know, a ticking stopwatch means savings people, big savings and the bigger the stopwatch the bigger the savings. Well at least that's the logic in place here. This stop watch has been turned to "11".

Time to invoke a creative audio production tip.

Audio Production #1: Let the voiceover be the voice OVER not the voice UNDER.

Creative audio production can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Please, for safety's sake and your client's happiness contact professional production companies like SunSpots Productions™. You'll be glad you did. (I thought 60 Minutes owned the stop watch in the background franchise anyway.)

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